designer and creator of exquisite conversation starter pieces not just Hats

+2348097709911 purplepebblesmillinery@gmail.com


We are an IT Service Company, focused on providing Enterprise Class Solutions to Enterprise and SMEs

08080475978 info@prometheanconsult.com

Phoenix grand solutions ltd

Real estate, wood work and general contracts.

07038051527 phoenixgrandsolutions@gmail.com

Paper Craft Education and Entrepreneur

Educate pupils on the use and benefits of paper craft

08136031921 Odikefunmi@gmail.com

FirstBank Business Diagnostic

The Business diagnostic survey is designed to help you identify the key gaps in your business. This diagnostic survey will take ~15 minutes. For each question, please read carefully and select the response that is most representative of your business. At the end of the survey, you will get a customized report for your business