Hope Rising Cooperative Multipurpose Society Ltd

A multipurpose cooperative society operating within a community predominantly dominated with small holdings traders and artisans that requires small loans and advances to stay in business. We provide such loans and receive monthly contributions from them.

08034708250 hoperisingcms@gmail.com

Elizabeth Ukpodomo Okhuoya

Agency banking, sales of costumes and hair accessories

08091043992 mordzee@yahoo.com

Wenryan Communications

Human Resourcing Partnership in Marketing, Sales, Brand Communications and Promotion, and Janitorial Services.

08099446120 wenriancommunications@gmail.com


Engineering, construction and facility management

07035706744, 08023350048 firstambition@yahoo.com

Lukam global resources ventures

Production of table water

07039538939 lukamglobalresourcesltd@gmail.com

One-Horseman E'options Enterprise

Dealing in Agent banking, mini importation and general contract.

08038588252 one.horsemanenterprise@outlook.com

FirstBank Business Diagnostic

The Business diagnostic survey is designed to help you identify the key gaps in your business. This diagnostic survey will take ~15 minutes. For each question, please read carefully and select the response that is most representative of your business. At the end of the survey, you will get a customized report for your business