We are into Golf Equipment, Golf Accessories, Corporate Promotions & General Supplies
08142690663 sales.hybridgolf@gmail.com
We specializes in finance management consultancy, agriculture, trading, education and tranining
08101702163 daremglobal@gmail.com
POS Agent and Trader
08021735930 henrycofoto@gmail.com
Dealers in general electronics, general contracts and merchandise
08025365847 vvvvvvz@yahoo.com
Pos agent Trader sales Jewelry Warch
08035686085 Tanimuabubakar35@gmail.com
Logistics and general merchant
07031304830 globalsosynergy@gmail.com
The Business diagnostic survey is designed to help you identify the key gaps in your business. This diagnostic survey will take ~15 minutes. For each question, please read carefully and select the response that is most representative of your business. At the end of the survey, you will get a customized report for your business