Quintas Renewable Energy Solutions

Provide services in Renewable Energy and Distributed power generation

08101782786 Quintas.renewableenergies@gmail.com

Sammex exquisite integrated company limited

We deal in agriculture, petroleum, computer accessories, hotel, spare parts, cafe and automobile

08036568473 sammyd20002001@gmail.com

Danyaye Agriculture and Logistic Nig Ltd

Poultry Farm - Supplier of Eggs and Chicken

+2348065204405 info@danyaye.com

God's own optical services

Sales of lens and frames

8032217692 godsownopticalservice@gmail.com



08052115020 adekayins@gmail.com


WE ARE AN IT COMPANY, WE DO WEB/APP DEVELOPMENT, E commerce services, Accounting and Inventory Software/Spreadsheet, Business/Entrepreneur Trainings/Seminars, Corporate Branding and General IT Consultation.

08093539320 imhsystemlinksltd@gmail.com

FirstBank Business Diagnostic

The Business diagnostic survey is designed to help you identify the key gaps in your business. This diagnostic survey will take ~15 minutes. For each question, please read carefully and select the response that is most representative of your business. At the end of the survey, you will get a customized report for your business