07033145347 poyenn2002@yahoo.com
Agency Banking Business
09012600953 elojerry@gmail.com
Banjo Imperial College is a private and full secondary school fully committed to quality education.
08123740196 biccollege1@yahoo.com
Farming, sales of farm produce consultancy services, sales of wears, shoes, bags. Supply and distribution of general goods and services.
08034320589 olaniyahezekiel2012@gmail.com
Financial institutions
08098527740 info@stalakindustrieslimited.com
Agrovet services
08035047085 karvetngltd@gmail.com
The Business diagnostic survey is designed to help you identify the key gaps in your business. This diagnostic survey will take ~15 minutes. For each question, please read carefully and select the response that is most representative of your business. At the end of the survey, you will get a customized report for your business